I'm finding this 4 years late as I look for resources to help a teen as they, too, begin to question their faith. And... wow, I'm so glad I read this!
Ihave been a huge fan of you both since the days of Commercial Kings, and one of the things that drew me to you then and that I appreciate now is both of you having a real earnestness that is so sorely lacking in our society. I feel your heartbreak in your words here, and it's so brave of you to talk about your journey when doubt and humility are so infrequently appreciated. Atheists and Evangelicals alike can be awfully judgmental about this process of questioning, and I think that's really unfortunate.
Thank you for sharing the hard parts of this path. I cannot even imagine how difficult it is to do, even if you WEREN'T a public figures. To be in the public eye going through this process is intense. I have no doubt that you are making the choices that feel right for you, that you have been thoughtful in your approach, and I'm sorry that people feel entitled to tell you what to think or how to be.
I hope that you find peace, whatever that looks like for you and your families. I don't think any human should tell another human what their relationship (or lack thereof) with the Divine should look like. And I truly believe that agape that comes with strings attached and conditions misses the point entirely.
Congratulations on continuing to evolve and grow and be an example of honesty and humility as we stumble along the path of life. None of us know what we're doing, after all! But from what I've seen, you and Link are doing a pretty good job being the change you wanna see in the world, and I don't think any God worth their salt would condemn you for that.