Kitty Stryker
1 min readJun 20, 2017


I’m a cis woman, a rape survivor, an abuse survivor, a survival sex worker, a femme who has experienced a lot of misogynist violence throughout my life.

Thankfully, you do not speak for all women here. It is not misogynist for me to say that I find your reasoning here deeply flawed and lashing out at the wrong people, people who are also being violently attacked, sisters in marginalization in many ways.

I, and many other cis women, stand with trans women. They are our friends, our lovers, our community. To ignore the violence that trans women deal with from cis men, the catcalling, the police brutality, the rape, the murder, etc etc etc, because you want to center cis women’s experiences of this is ignoring the root of the issue — white supremacist capitalist patriarchy, which polices trans women as much if not, often, more so, especially trans women of color.

If you want trans women to support you, personally, then you need to read a lot more about the experiences of trans women. If you want to be listened to, you need to listen.



Kitty Stryker

Professional Bleeding Heart. Sick & Tired. Patronize me: Image by @mayakern